Company News

General principles for relay selection

Author: Time:2023-11-24 16:45:00CTR:

How to choose the relay correctly? First, to "know it", that is, first of all, we must have a thorough investigation and thorough understanding of the nature, characteristics and requirements of the controlled loop of the object controlled by the relay. Secondly, the various characteristics of the relay itself - principle, conditions of use, technical parameters, structural process characteristics and specifications, etc., to achieve a comprehensive grasp and careful analysis; Second, according to the principle of "value engineering", from the comprehensive consideration of advancement, rationality, availability and economy, the correct selection and use of relays is made. The principle of correct selection of relays should be specifically:

(1) The main technical performance of the relay, such as contact load, operation time parameters, mechanical and electrical life, etc., should meet the requirements of the whole system; 

(2) The structure type (including the installation method) and the overall size of the relay should be suitable for the needs of the conditions of use; 

(3) Economic rationality.
